
Succession Planning

Align Your Three Bottom Lines

Alignment Vistage Blog

By Todd A. Stewart, Founding Partner On May 20, 2019, I was in a program with author Kevin W. McCarthy where he talked about his book, Chief Leadership Officer: Increasing Wealth So Everyone Profits. Many good takeaways and I particularly like the idea of aligning your three bottom lines: Financial, People and Purpose.  If you want more information, the website is: *Intended as general guidance only and not as legal advice.

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Avoiding Self-Employment (SE) Tax With LLC

Avoiding self employment tax with LLC

Saving self-employment (SE) tax on the business earnings of a partner or sole proprietor can be significant, with rates from 2.9% to 15.3%. Partners in some cases have avoided this SE tax on their distributive share for an interest as a limited partner in a limited partnership (LP). Today, however, LLCs are in much more common use than LPs for business and investment purposes. This makes it unfortunate that it’s still not clear that a passive member of an LLC can avoid the SE tax. Recently though, the Tax Court allowed limited partner treatment to a passive member of an […]

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