Why would I be interested in Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZs)? This new tax provision was created to spur investment in certain under-performing economic areas known as Qualified Opportunity Zones. You can find a map of North Carolina’s zones here. Investing in a QOZ is one of the few opportunities in the tax code to defer (and possibly eliminate) tax on gains. Thus, you can put the whole amount of your proceeds from a sale to work rather than the proceeds less income taxes. How long can I defer paying taxes on my gain? Until you sell or exchange your interest […]
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Deferring taxable income to a later year is often an effective strategy for paying less in income taxes and keeping more of your wealth working for you. For example, if you are organized as an S Corporation or Partnership for income tax purposes and anticipate being in the same or a higher tax bracket in 2018 than in 2019, then you may benefit from deferring income into 2019. Here are four ways you might achieve this: (1) Cash Method of Accounting The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) expanded the number of businesses that can use the cash method of […]
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In our last post, we detailed many of the new individual and corporate tax laws. Here we’ll take a closer look at three practical steps you should consider taking in light of these. 1. Revisit the income tax classification of your corporation or LLC. For decades now, the S corporation has been the income tax classification of choice for most non-real estate businesses. The fact that it offers a single level of tax versus “double taxation” in C corporations has mostly been the deciding factor. Now, while C corporations still expose their owners to double tax (first on corporate income […]
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