
LLC Formation

How To Protect Your Assets From Creditors

Piggy Bank_Assets

Protecting your assets from creditors (“asset protection”) is a topic you don’t think much about until a triggering event, and then it can jump to the top of your priorities.  The triggering event may be an accident with personal injuries on your property, a contract commitment turning bad, or involvement in a financial project where substantial resources are lost.  Asset protection planning can take many forms, including changing asset titles or setting up structures, such as LLCs or Trusts, to own assets.  With respect to Trusts, in the past these have probably gotten more press than their actual usage would […]

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Protecting Investment Property From The Rush Of Vacationers

Stewart Law, Asset Protection Vacation Homes

In today’s litigious society, we often have clients calling us and asking for advice on how to protect themselves and their assets from creditors and lawsuits.  Many worries stem from concerns over rental properties and vacation homes (including toys such as jet skis) owned by our clients. There are several techniques that can help the owner of a vacation home relax whenever he rents out the house to vacationers. Often an important starting point is the use of a Limited Liability Company (“LLC”). Below, we highlight some major aspects. Reduced Liability This is a big one. Imagine someone is staying […]

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